

来源:古天乐代言太阳集团 作者:发稿时间:2024-04-11 17:55浏览次数:

续海金(xuhaijin@cug.edu.cn),教授,博士生导师。主要从事岩石学和区域大地构造学的教学和研究工作,近年来科研兴趣侧重地热地质研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项和面上项目7项;参与国家重点基础研究项目(973计划)1项(排名第二),国家重点研发计划子课题1项(排名第三),地热相关的横向项目多项。发表第一和/或通讯作者SCI论文40余篇,包括Geology, GSA Bulletin, Chemical Geology,Precambrian Research和SCIENCE CHINA: Earth Sciences等。博士论文被评为2006年度湖北省优秀博士学位论文,2014年获湖北省自然科学奖一等奖(第三完成人)。中国矿物岩石地球化学学会变质岩专业委员会委员,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会化学地球动力学与岩浆岩专业委员会学术委员会委员。









武汉市自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等奖,《 Early Cretaceous low-Mg adakitic granites from the Dabie orogen, eastern China: petrogenesis and implications for destruction of the over-thickened lower continental crust 》(第一完成人,2013年)。




续海金*, 王国庆, 舒坦, 刘德民, 2021. 北京南观地区构造组合特征及成因机制.地球科学,46(5):1657-1676.

刘强*,续海金, 章军锋, 徐亚军, 2021. 基于科教融合理念的地质学实践教学模式探索.中国地质教育, 4: 10-14.

续海金*, 章军锋, 徐亚军, 刘强, 2019. 《构造地质学》“金课”建设的思考.2019新时代高校地球科学教学改革与创新研讨会论文集, 152-156.

续海金*, 章军锋, 杨坤光, 曾佐勋, 2017. “构造地质学”教学模式探讨:课堂与实践同步.大学地球科学课程报告论坛论文集, 80-83.

续海金*,宋衍茹,章军锋,王永锋,袁晏明, 2012. 北京周口店地区房山岩体中岩浆混合作用的野外地质实践教学.中国地质教育4, 135-139.

续海金*, 宋衍茹, 杨坤光, 袁晏明. 2008. 岩石学野外实践教学应遵循的几个原则——以周口店实习为例.中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)(增刊): 22-24.


Feng, F.,Xu, H.J.*, Yang, S.J., Liu, Q.,2024. Petrogenesis of K-rich and high-Mg adakitic rocks in the North Dabie terrane, China: Products of Early CretaceousOrogenic Collapse.International Geology Review, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2024.2361273.

Lei, H.C.,Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, H., Deng, L.P., Hu, D.S., Ye, Y.K.,2024. From Triassic metamorphism to Early Cretaceous anatexis in the Dabie orogen, central China: Constraints from in-situ U-Pb age and Hf and O isotopes of zircon from migmatites.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 265: 106107.

Gao, M.D., Foley, S.F.,Xu, H.J.*, Wang, Y.*,2023. Mantle metasomatism induced by water-fluxed melting of subducted continental crust at ultrahigh pressures.  Geology, 51 (12): 1127–1131.

Gao, M.D.,Xu, H.J.*, Foley, S.F., Zhang, J.F., Wang, Y.,2023. Ultra-high pressure mantle metasomatism in continental collision zones recorded by post-collisional mafic rocks.GSA Bulletin, 135 (11-12): 3066–3082.

Chen, X.S.,Xu, H.J.*, Liu, Q., Xiang, S.Y.,2023. Eocene (~ 53 Ma) alkaline complex in the southern Lhasa subterrane, Tibet: Implications for Neo-Tethyan slab breakoff.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 254: 105733.

Wang, P.,Xu, H.J.*, Lei, H.C.,2023. Constraints of monazite and zircon mineralogy on Paleoproterozoic UHT metamorphism and Triassic anatexis of pelitic granulites in the Sulu UHP belt, East China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 243: 105535.

Deng, W.B.,Shao, Z.G.*, Xu, H.J.*, Yi, J.J., Wang, Z.Z., Xu, D.X., Zhang, S.J.,2022. Tectonic affinity of the Zhusileng-Hangwula Belt in the northern Alxa area: Evidence from the zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions of the Mesoproterozoic (~1.4 Ga) igneous rocks.Geological Journal, 57 (11): 4451-4473.

Xiong, Z.W.,Xu, H.J.*, Wang, P., Zhang, J.F.,2021. Monazite recorded Paleoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and Triassic fluid modification of the Weihai pelitic granulite, Sulu orogen.SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 64(6), 932-950.

熊志武,续海金*, 王攀, 章军锋.2021. 苏鲁造山带威海泥质麻粒岩古元古代麻粒岩相变质作用和三叠纪流体改造的独居石记录.中国科学: 地球科学, 51: 884-905.

Gao, M.D., Wang, C.Y., Xu H.J.*, Zhang, J.F.,2021. Experiment constraints on orthopyroxene enrichment in the Kaapvaal craton lithospheric mantle.Chemical Geology, 256(120046), 1-13.

熊志武,续海金*, 王攀, 章军锋, 2021. 苏鲁造山带威海古元古代泥质麻粒岩锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素特征及其构造属性. 地球科学, 46(2):504-526.

Yang, S.J.,Xu, H.J.*, Wang, P., Zhang, J.F., Liu, Q.,2021. Anatexis of the deeply subducted continental crust during exhumation: a case study of Rongcheng migmatite in the Sulu orogen. Geological Journal, 56: 1052-1071.

Xu, H.J.*, Song, Y.R., Xiong, Z.W.,2020. Mantle Partial Melting and Melt-peridotite Interaction: A Case Study of Peridotite Xenoliths in Cenozoic Basalt of Nanjing, SE China.Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition)94, 67–68.

王德远,续海金*,王攀,贾敏, 高占冬,2020.大陆造山带深熔垮塌的岩石学、地球化学证据:以北大别深熔混合岩为例.吉林大学学报(地球科学版)50(3), 675-693.

Lei, H.C.,Xu, H.J.*, Liu P.l., 2020. Decoupling between Ti-in-zircon and Zr-in-rutile thermometry during ultrahigh temperature metamorphism of the Dabie Orogen, China.Geological Journal, 55, 6442-6449.

Wang, P.,Xu, H.J.*, Wang, X.C., Zhang, J.F.,2020. Assimilation of the mafic-ultramafic magma: A case study of diabase dyke at the Beidaihe, North China Craton.Geological Journal 55, 4112-4127.

Gao, M.D.,Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, J.F., Foley, S.F.,2019. Experimental interaction of granitic melt and peridotite at 1.5 GPa: Implications for the origin of post-collisional K-rich magmatism in continental subduction zones.Lithos 350-351, 1-18.

Xu, H.J.*, Lei, H.C., Xiong, Z.W., Zhang, J.F.,2019. Paleoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature granulite-facies metamorphism in the Sulu orogen, eastern China: Evidence from zircon and monazite in the pelitic granulite.Precambrian Research, 333, 105430.

Lei, H.C.,Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, J.F., Massonne, H.J., Liu, P.L.,2019. A record of ultrahigh temperature metamorphism in the Dabie orogen during Triassic continental collision.Gondwana Research 72, 54-64.

Liu S.X.,Xu, H.J.*,2019. Geochemistry, Zircon U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope of the Huilanshan Granitoids in the North Dabie Terrane: Implications for Syn-Collapse Magmatism of Orogen.Journal of Earth Science30(3), 636-646.

Lei, H.C.,Xu, H.J.*,2018. A Review of Ultrahigh Temperature Metamorphism.Journal of Earth Science29(5), 1167-1180.

高名迪,续海金*, 章军锋, 陈辉,2018. 深俯冲陆壳部分熔融初始熔体的厘定:来自苏鲁超高压地体混合岩中浅色体证据.岩石学报34(3), 547-566.

Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, J.F.,2018. Zircon geochronological evidence for participation of the North China Craton in the protolith of migmatite of the North Dabie Terrane.Journal of Earth Science, 29(1): 30-42.

Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, J.F.,2017. Anatexis witnessed post-collisional evolution of the Dabie orogen, China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences145, 278-296.

Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, J.F., Wang, Y.F., Liu, W.L.,2016. Late Triassic alkaline complex in the Sulu UHP terrane: Implications for post-collisional magmatism and subsequent fractional crystallization.Gondwana Research35, 390-410.

Xu, H.J. *, Ma, C.Q., Zhao, J.H., Zhang, J.F.,2014. Magma mixing generated Triassic I-type granites in South China.Journal of Geology122, 329-351

Song, Y.R.,Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, J.F., Wang, D.Y., Liu, E.D.,2014. Syn-exhumation partial melting and melt segregation in the Sulu UHP terrane: Evidences from leucosome and pegmatitic vein of migmatite.Lithos202-203, 55-75.

Song, Y.R.,Xu, H.J.*, Zhang, J.F., Wang, D.Y., Liu, E.D.,2014. Effects of melt fractional crystallization on Sr-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systems: a case study of Triassic migmatite in the Sulu UHP terrane.International Geology Review56(7), 783-800.

Xu, H.J. *, Ma, C.Q., Zhao, J.H., Zhang, J.F.,2014. Petrogenesis of Dashenshan I-type granodiorite: implications for Triassic crust-mantle interaction, South China.International Geology Review56(3), 332-350.

Xu, H.J.*, Ye, K.*, Song, Y.R., Chen, Y., Zhang, J.F., Liu, Q., Guo, S.,2013. Prograde metamorphism, decompressional partial melting and subsequent melt crystallization and segregation in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses, Sulu UHP terrane, Eastern China.Chemical Geology341, 16-37.

续海金*, 宋衍茹, 叶凯.2013. 苏鲁超高压地体部分熔融时间的厘定:荣成花岗质片麻岩中浅色条带的锆石U-Pb定年、微量元素和Lu-Hf同位素证据.岩石学报29(5), 1594-1606.

Xu, H.J.*, Ma, C.Q., Zhang, J.F., Ye, K.,2012. Early Cretaceous low-Mg adakitic granites from the Dabie orogen, eastern China: petrogenesis and implications for destruction of the over-thickened lower continental crust.Gondwana Research23, 190-207.

Xu, H.J.*, Ma, C.Q., Zhang, J.F.,2012. Generation of Early Cretaceous high-Mg adakitic host and enclaves by magma mixing, Dabie orogen, Eastern China.Lithos142-143, 182-200.

Xu, H.J.*, Ma, C.Q., Song, Y.R., Zhang, J.F., Ye, K.,2012. Early Cretaceous intermediate-mafic dykes in the Dabie orogen, eastern China: petrogenesis and implications for crust-mantle interaction.Lithos154, 83-99.

Xu, H.J.*, Song, Y.R., Ye, K., Zhang, J.F., Wang, H.R.,2012. Petrogenesis of mafic dykes and high-Mg adakitic enclaves in the Late Mesozoic Fangshan low-Mg adakitic pluton, North China Craton.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences54-55, 143-161.

Xu, H.J.*, Ye, K., Zhang, J.F.,2012. Temperature of prograde metamorphism, decompressional partial melting and subsequent melt fractional crystallization in the Weihai migmatitic gneisses, Sulu UHP terrane: constraints from Ti-in-zircon thermometer.Journal of Earth Science23(6), 813-827.

续海金, 马昌前*, 叶凯.2008. 北大别早白垩纪花岗岩类的Sm-Nd和锆石Hf同位素及其构造意义.岩石学报, 24(1): 87-103.

Xu, H.J., Ma, C.Q., Ye, K.*,2007. Early Cretaceous granitoids and their implications for Collapse of the Dabie orogen, eastern China: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry.Chemical Geology240, 238-259.

Xu, H.J., Ma, C.Q.*, Liu, F., Yang, K.G.,2003. Differences of granitic weathering at the northern and southern feet of Dabie Mountains, Central China: Implication for tectonic and climatic environments.Science in China (Series D)46(7), 641-651.

续海金, 马昌前*.2003. 实验岩石学对埃达克岩成因的限定——兼论中国东部富钾高Sr/Y比值花岗岩类.地学前缘10(4), 417-427.

续海金, 马昌前*, 刘凡, 杨坤光,2002. 大别山南、北坡花岗岩风化作用的差异及其构造-气候环境意义.中国科学(D辑)32(5), 415-422.

续海金, 马昌前*,2002. 地壳风化速率研究综述.地球科学进展17(5), 670-678.
